Monday, March 30, 2015

Hawaiian Orangutan Attack!!

Aloha chess fans! I hope you got to follow the GM Challenge of the recent Hawaii Chess Festival 2015. I feel like I have been coming to Hawaii every year since my first visit in 2010. This time around I took two days after the festival to sail to the last two islands I had never visited before. Molokai and Lanai presented amazing moments of intimacy with nature...

Sunrise during ferry trip from Molokai to Lahaina, Maui

Now let's get to business and re-discover the legendary Orangutan Attack!

Round 5: As the drama of the Open Tournament was unfolding GM Gareyev aka "Uzbekdragon" was found on the Waikiki Beach enjoying the beauty of Hawaiian sunset.

Uzbekdragon did not shy away from the call of duty. GM Gareyev re-entered filled with fighting spirit. Don't try this attack at home, as it could shoot your ICC bullet rating through the roof.



Launching decisive flank attack on the king's side. Opening originally discovered by Indonesian Orangutan and later commonly used by French player Marcel Desprez.


My opponent is obviously hardly familiar with my cutting edge opening choice. The recent developments in theory indicate that the only worthwhile response offering black chances for equality is "Koola-Koola Counter-Attack" 1...a5!

2.a4!! Incredible interception of dynamic play and Dvoretsky's positional mastery coming together. White is aiming to break both of black's flanks wide open thus submitting black to a desperate defense of "two weaknesses". An alternative idea is 2.d4!? known as "Wulumulu Scandinavian Gambit".

2..d5 3.h5 h6 4.g3 Nf6 5.Bg2 Nc6 6.Nc3 Bb4 7.Rh4! 

Some of the less experienced players try Orangutan Attack from time to time. Now the devil is in details. Rh4! allows white to attack both vertically and horizontally. Rook activation is the secret idea I discovered engraved in ancient Petroglyphs on the Island of Lanai.

7...Be6 8.Kf1 d4 9.Ne4 Nd5 10.c4! 

Kicking the knight away from it's pedestal. And what do you know, my opponent refuses to back off and launches the knight forward 10...Nf4! 

11.Rxf4! Black's attempt at fighting back fails miserably. White plays in the good old traditions of Hawaiian bughouse. Time transcends material.

11...exf4 12.a5! 

Presenting black with challenges to resolve across the whole board. 

12...a6 13.Ra4! 

White is fighting with the persistence of a double-headed eagle. Now it is queen side rook's time to shine! 0-0 14.gxf4 d3 15.e3 Qe7 16.b3 f5 17.Nc3 Bxc3 18.dxc3 Rfd8 19.Nf3 Qf6 20.Nd4 Bd7 21.Ra2 Ne7 22.Ba3 Nc6 23.Qxd3 Nxd4 24.cxd4

Using another metaphor, white got to consolidate the pawn structure in a dragon-like formation and is now ready to open up the diagonals for the bishops. 

24...Rab8 25.d5 Be8 26.Bf3 c6 27.d6 c5 28.Bxc5 Bc6 29.Bd5+ 

29...Kh8 30.b4 Rxd6!?

Black sacs an exchange in order to neutralize white's dark square bishop. White in turn doesn't mind picking up material to go along with continuous initiative. 

31.Bxd6 Qxd6 32.Qxf5 Qxb4 33.Kg1 Rf8 34.Qd3 Qe1+ 35.Kg2 Be8 36.Qa3 Rg8!? 

Black is relentless. It is a third time an exchange sacrifice happens in the game. White now decides to decline in favor of solidifying the advantage. 

37.Bf3 Qb1 38.Qb2 Qf5 39.Qe5 Qc8 40.Rd2 Bc6 41.Rd6! Threatenning mate Qg4+

All of a sudden it looks like black managed to seize the initiate. Looks are deceptive due to Rh6! mate up in the air. 

42.Kf1 Qh3+ 43.Ke1 Re8 44.Rxh6+ Kg8 

45.Bd5+ 1-0 White's threats are overwhelming. Black's king is wide open. Black cannot escape from both central attack along the diagonals and white rook's penetration along h-file.

Entering Lahaina Port, Maui

Phalic Rock by Kalaupapa Lookout at Molokai
Shipwreck sight, Lanai

Vesicular Basalt from Lanai
Polihua Beach, Lanai

Mahalo chess friends, I am taking off to a new adventure!

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